( ! ) Warning: Undefined variable $rtwwdpd_priority in /www/wwwroot/dazzbaby.com/wp-content/plugins/woo-dynamic-pricing-discounts-with-ai/public/rtwwdpd-class-woo-dynamic-pricing-discounts-with-ai-public.php on line 1756
Call Stack
10.0098356792{main}( ).../index.php:0
20.0107357104require( '/www/wwwroot/dazzbaby.com/wp-blog-header.php ).../index.php:17
30.0108357520require_once( '/www/wwwroot/dazzbaby.com/wp-load.php ).../wp-blog-header.php:13
40.0114357936require_once( '/www/wwwroot/dazzbaby.com/wp-config.php ).../wp-load.php:50
50.0120359328require_once( '/www/wwwroot/dazzbaby.com/wp-settings.php ).../wp-config.php:94
62.560116528576do_action( $hook_name = 'wp_loaded' ).../wp-settings.php:600
72.560116528952WP_Hook->do_action( $args = [0 => ''] ).../plugin.php:470
82.560116528952WP_Hook->apply_filters( $value = '', $args = [0 => ''] ).../class-wp-hook.php:327
92.662317891368WC_Form_Handler::add_to_cart_action( $url = '' ).../class-wp-hook.php:303
102.693617886752WC_Form_Handler::add_to_cart_handler_simple( $product_id = 28320 ).../class-wc-form-handler.php:796
112.693617887504WC_Cart->add_to_cart( $product_id = 28320, $quantity = 1, $variation_id = ???, $variation = ???, $cart_item_data = ??? ).../class-wc-form-handler.php:824
122.696217899280do_action( $hook_name = 'woocommerce_add_to_cart', ...$arg = variadic('fe2e8c9e03498e3bd2c4c2205afdfc44', 28320, 1, 0, [], []) ).../class-wc-cart.php:1276
132.696217899656WP_Hook->do_action( $args = [0 => 'fe2e8c9e03498e3bd2c4c2205afdfc44', 1 => 28320, 2 => 1, 3 => 0, 4 => [], 5 => []] ).../plugin.php:470
142.696217899656WP_Hook->apply_filters( $value = '', $args = [0 => 'fe2e8c9e03498e3bd2c4c2205afdfc44', 1 => 28320, 2 => 1, 3 => 0, 4 => [], 5 => []] ).../class-wp-hook.php:327
152.701217906328WC_Cart->calculate_totals( ).../class-wp-hook.php:301
162.701217906328do_action( $hook_name = 'woocommerce_before_calculate_totals', ...$arg = variadic(class WC_Cart { public $cart_contents = ['fe2e8c9e03498e3bd2c4c2205afdfc44' => [...]]; public $removed_cart_contents = []; public $applied_coupons = []; protected $shipping_methods = NULL; protected $default_totals = ['subtotal' => 0, 'subtotal_tax' => 0, 'shipping_total' => 0, 'shipping_tax' => 0, 'shipping_taxes' => [...], 'discount_total' => 0, 'discount_tax' => 0, 'cart_contents_total' => 0, 'cart_contents_tax' => 0, 'cart_contents_taxes' => [...], 'fee_total' => 0, 'fee_tax' => 0, 'fee_taxes' => [...], 'total' => 0, 'total_tax' => 0]; protected $totals = ['subtotal' => 0, 'subtotal_tax' => 0, 'shipping_total' => 0, 'shipping_tax' => 0, 'shipping_taxes' => [...], 'discount_total' => 0, 'discount_tax' => 0, 'cart_contents_total' => 0, 'cart_contents_tax' => 0, 'cart_contents_taxes' => [...], 'fee_total' => 0, 'fee_tax' => 0, 'fee_taxes' => [...], 'total' => 0, 'total_tax' => 0]; protected $session = class WC_Cart_Session { protected $cart = ... }; protected $fees_api = class WC_Cart_Fees { private $fees = [...]; private $cart = ...; private $default_fee_props = [...] }; public $cart_session_data = ['cart_contents_total' => 0, 'total' => 0, 'subtotal' => 0, 'subtotal_ex_tax' => 0, 'tax_total' => 0, 'taxes' => [...], 'shipping_taxes' => [...], 'discount_cart' => 0, 'discount_cart_tax' => 0, 'shipping_total' => 0, 'shipping_tax_total' => 0, 'coupon_discount_amounts' => [...], 'coupon_discount_tax_amounts' => [...], 'fee_total' => 0, 'fees' => [...]]; public $coupon_applied_count = []; public $coupon_discount_totals = []; public $coupon_discount_tax_totals = [] }) ).../class-wc-cart.php:1396
172.701217906704WP_Hook->do_action( $args = [0 => class WC_Cart { public $cart_contents = [...]; public $removed_cart_contents = [...]; public $applied_coupons = [...]; protected $shipping_methods = NULL; protected $default_totals = [...]; protected $totals = [...]; protected $session = class WC_Cart_Session { ... }; protected $fees_api = class WC_Cart_Fees { ... }; public $cart_session_data = [...]; public $coupon_applied_count = [...]; public $coupon_discount_totals = [...]; public $coupon_discount_tax_totals = [...] }] ).../plugin.php:470
182.701217906704WP_Hook->apply_filters( $value = '', $args = [0 => class WC_Cart { public $cart_contents = [...]; public $removed_cart_contents = [...]; public $applied_coupons = [...]; protected $shipping_methods = NULL; protected $default_totals = [...]; protected $totals = [...]; protected $session = class WC_Cart_Session { ... }; protected $fees_api = class WC_Cart_Fees { ... }; public $cart_session_data = [...]; public $coupon_applied_count = [...]; public $coupon_discount_totals = [...]; public $coupon_discount_tax_totals = [...] }] ).../class-wp-hook.php:327
192.701217907832Rtwwdpd_Woo_Dynamic_Pricing_Discounts_With_Ai_Public->rtwwdpd_before_calculate_totals( $cart = class WC_Cart { public $cart_contents = ['fe2e8c9e03498e3bd2c4c2205afdfc44' => [...]]; public $removed_cart_contents = []; public $applied_coupons = []; protected $shipping_methods = NULL; protected $default_totals = ['subtotal' => 0, 'subtotal_tax' => 0, 'shipping_total' => 0, 'shipping_tax' => 0, 'shipping_taxes' => [...], 'discount_total' => 0, 'discount_tax' => 0, 'cart_contents_total' => 0, 'cart_contents_tax' => 0, 'cart_contents_taxes' => [...], 'fee_total' => 0, 'fee_tax' => 0, 'fee_taxes' => [...], 'total' => 0, 'total_tax' => 0]; protected $totals = ['subtotal' => 0, 'subtotal_tax' => 0, 'shipping_total' => 0, 'shipping_tax' => 0, 'shipping_taxes' => [...], 'discount_total' => 0, 'discount_tax' => 0, 'cart_contents_total' => 0, 'cart_contents_tax' => 0, 'cart_contents_taxes' => [...], 'fee_total' => 0, 'fee_tax' => 0, 'fee_taxes' => [...], 'total' => 0, 'total_tax' => 0]; protected $session = class WC_Cart_Session { protected $cart = ... }; protected $fees_api = class WC_Cart_Fees { private $fees = [...]; private $cart = ...; private $default_fee_props = [...] }; public $cart_session_data = ['cart_contents_total' => 0, 'total' => 0, 'subtotal' => 0, 'subtotal_ex_tax' => 0, 'tax_total' => 0, 'taxes' => [...], 'shipping_taxes' => [...], 'discount_cart' => 0, 'discount_cart_tax' => 0, 'shipping_total' => 0, 'shipping_tax_total' => 0, 'coupon_discount_amounts' => [...], 'coupon_discount_tax_amounts' => [...], 'fee_total' => 0, 'fees' => [...]]; public $coupon_applied_count = []; public $coupon_discount_totals = []; public $coupon_discount_tax_totals = [] } ).../class-wp-hook.php:303
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